Our Story #7

2020 was quite a year for all of us. Our children are resilient, but I would be amiss if I didn’t speak to the impact our move had on them. Both had thrived in Tulsa. Christian attended Regent Prep in 6th grade and was loving playing lacrosse with his team for the 4th season. Cate was in cheer, dance, tumbling and we had plans to move her to Regent for 2nd grade. We started both of them at the CL Charter Academy, and while it seemed a good fit for Cate, Christian wasn’t happy. There was not (and still isn’t) a lacrosse program in the area and we had plans to drive to Tulsa that spring so he could continue to play with his team. We enrolled him in Classical Conversations in January and would meet with his co-op in Tulsa on Fridays.

But that spring, Covid happened. The world locked down. The lacrosse season was canceled and the CC group stopped meeting. CL Academy went virtual after spring break. As difficult as it was for us, being in Carlton Landing during Covid was pretty special. We were insulated from much of the worries and cares of the world. Ask anyone who had a house in CL during that time and they will tell you the same.

Photos of Cate’s school presentation, around town, and the neighborly toilet paper run.


51 Ridgeline Rd, Carlton Landing, OK


Our Story #8


Our Story #6