Caleb Conner Caleb Conner

Our Story #9

Have you ever walked into a house that just feels right? The ceilings, the light, the flow—it’s no accident. Thoughtful design follows a set of principles, as Marianne Cusato explains in Get Your House Right. She likens architectural elements to a language, with rules that create harmony in a space. Traditional construction, rooted in natural materials and gravity, resonates with us deeply. This is why classic homes, like those in a Nancy Myers movie, always feel comforting and timeless.

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Caleb Conner Caleb Conner

Our Story #8

Let’s switch gears and talk design. Carlton Landing has a Living Tradition Design Code, a 156-page guide that every project must follow. I dove into it immediately, learning not just for my own home, but about urban planning as a whole. With our architect’s backlog, Daryl and I took on the design ourselves, working from reference books and inspiration. Though our Tulsa home hadn’t sold yet, the extra time allowed us to fine-tune every detail, which was a blessing in disguise.

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Caleb Conner Caleb Conner

Our Story #7

2020 was a challenging year for everyone, and our move had a big impact on our kids. While Cate adjusted well to CL Charter Academy, Christian struggled without a lacrosse program. We enrolled him in Classical Conversations in Tulsa, but everything changed when Covid hit. Despite the disruptions, being in Carlton Landing during that time felt like a blessing, as we were shielded from many of the world’s worries. Those who lived here then would agree.

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Caleb Conner Caleb Conner

Our Story #6

The Carlton Landing community welcomed us warmly, and we were invited to dinners that fall, including with the Nieto family, who we knew from Tulsa. Through them, I began working with Daryl on color and material selections for several projects, which eventually led to hiring him to build our home on Ridgeline. Though our Tulsa home sale fell through in December, we didn’t let that stop us from moving forward with design plans, inspired by the book 'Get Your House Right,' which shaped my understanding of New Urbanism.

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Caleb Conner Caleb Conner

Our Story #5

Summer 2019 was a whirlwind as we moved into the Park St. house just before school started. That season brought some special moments, including Christian’s baptism in the lake, which affirmed that Carlton Landing was where we were meant to be. Caleb took on a bigger role at work, turning 40 that fall, and I began to focus more on my business, attending color training to refine my skills. Little did I know, my design aspirations were just beginning to take shape.

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Caleb Conner Caleb Conner

Our Story #4

"We decided to rent a home in Carlton Landing while we built, wanting the kids to start school in the fall. Interestingly, my parents were also drawn to the charm of CL and soon started looking for a home too—something that happens more often than you'd think! They found a beautiful place on Park St and graciously offered it to us while we built. Amidst all the excitement, we were juggling the sale of our Tulsa home and faced the heartbreaking loss of Caleb’s mom after her battle with multiple myeloma. It was a tough season, but by God’s grace, we made it through. Here are some photos from our first potluck and time on the water.

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Caleb Conner Caleb Conner

Our Story #3

"At first, the idea of living in a close-knit community in the middle of nowhere seemed puzzling to us as newcomers to New Urbanism. However, as we explored more, we quickly understood the appeal. Cities like Charleston, Paris, and New York thrive because of their intentional design, centered around community living rather than the sprawling suburbs we're used to. Our journey brought us to Carlton Landing, where, with the help of our realtor Katie Chapman, we found the perfect spot to build our new home."

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Caleb Conner Caleb Conner

Our Story #2

Originally from Texas, our family moved to Tulsa in 2016 for my husband’s work in insurance. Just as we were settling in, a new opportunity arose, and we found ourselves looking at Southeastern Oklahoma as a potential home. Ironically, I had already booked a trip to Carlton Landing for Memorial Day weekend, but moving there wasn’t even on our radar. We explored several towns, but none felt like home. Carlton Landing, however, with its tent church and scripture-based teaching, began to feel different. Here are some photos from that time as we continued to pray and seek direction for our next steps.

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Caleb Conner Caleb Conner

Our Story #1

Hi there! For those who don’t know, our journey to Carlton Landing, OK, has been an incredible one. It’s hard to believe we’ve spent five years here already! While we’ve decided to sell our full-time home, Carlton Landing remains close to our hearts. We like to call ourselves 'full-time part-timers'—working elsewhere but living in this beautiful town when we can. Over the next few posts, I’ll be sharing more of our story, but feel free to just enjoy the photos if that’s more your speed!

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